Atascadero Senior Portrait Photographer

 Amber was such fun to work with during our combination studio and outdoor senior portrait session. She is a dancer and cheerleader for Atascadero High and even though she only brought one dress we managed to get a good variety of awesome studio and outdoor urban background senior pictures. We got to use our new Sunset Drive-in sign and even did a few shots in the 1920’s vintage dance room that’s part of our studio space in downtown Atascadero. Watch the video at the bottom of the post to see more of Amber’s photo shoot.

Templeton Senior Pictures
Paso Robles Senior Picture Photographers
Dance studio pictures - Templetion
Atascadero Dance Pictures, Senior Portraits
dance studio portraits
templeton outdoor senior portrait
senior picture photographer
downtown atascadero portraits
lighting with reflectors in atascadero
brick wall girl laughing
We always have fun during our senior portrait sessions.