Family reunion portrait on Cayucos beach

Instead of taking an exotic vacation to celebrate their 50th anniversary Richard and Peggy chose instead to rent a large house near the beach in Cayucos and have a family reunion. Part of the celebration included a shell ceremony and a portrait session to create photos that, I am sure, they will cherish for the rest of their lives. 

Family reunion portrait on the beach
With the grand kids.

anaversery portrait on Cayucos beach
Whats better than a portrait with your grand kids playing on the beach in the background?

anaversery family reunion portrait, Cayucos beach photographer
 All their kids and grand kids playing in the background.

anaversery family reunion portrait, Cayucos beach photographer
Part of the gathering included a ceremony where Richard and Peggy were presented with a large antique jar.

 family reunion shell ceremony, Cayucos beach photographer
After adding some beach sand and a small shell for each year of marriage each member added a larger shell that was unique to each of them.

 family reunion shell ceremony, Cayucos beach photographer
The jar had a hand made medallion attached that read, “50 Wonderful Years Richard & Peggy 2.20.13”
Jumping girl cousins at Cayucos Beach
Jumping cousins.
 50th annaversery shell ceremony, Cayucos beach photographer
What a blessed couple. It was an honor to be asked to commemorate this very special occasion.