San Luis Obispo Homeless Center on 40 Prado, San Luis Obispo, California – Garcia Architecture + Design
Distinguished Building Photography of New Homeless Shelter
The San Luis Obispo Homeless Service Center, also known as 40 Prado, recently moved into their new state-of-the-art building. Studio 101 West, architectural photography, was contracted to shoot the building photography for the architect. We shot interiors and exteriors of this spacious new complex. This new facility provides much-needed services to help families and individuals in San Luis Obispo. Beyond providing services, it also looks amazing thanks to Garcia Architecture + Design. The creative use of rusted steel, glass, and concrete makes this otherwise ordinary building into a truly unique structure. We find this structure pleasing to the eye and calming to the soul.
Architectural Photography with Hard Deadlines
This was one of the more difficult photoshoots to schedule. The building had to be photographed when it was finished enough to look good, yet not be open to the public. Delays in material deliveries and permitting caused the project to be several weeks behind schedule. Consequently, these delays cost us important shoot delays and yet we had a hard deadline from the client, Garcia Architecture + Design. This award-winning architecture design firm intended to enter photos into an architecture design contest with a looming deadline.
We never want to miss a deadline from a client! Therefore, we work very hard to make things happen between architects, builders, and property owners. The coordination of building photography was finally set after many site visits and phone calls. As usual, we were able to deliver the building photography on time, and with exceptional results.
Shooting Photography for Architects and Builders
Furthermore, this project was built by J.W. Design & Construction, another talented client of ours. Many of our favorite buildings in San Luis Obispo have been designed by Garcia Architecture + Design and then built by J.W. Design & Construction. The new 40 Prado building also falls into our “favorite” category. We know that this new addition to the San Luis Obispo landscape will bring safety and comfort to the homeless and those in need for many generations to come.
Visit our website for more of our architectural photography work: Studio 101 West Photography.